Thursday, April 1, 2010

Home Is Where the ♥ Is

Blazer: F21; T-shirt: Nordstrom; Denim shorts: True Religion; Tan boots: UO; Belt:old; Necklace(old), watch, rings: F21; Studs: old; Polish: Orly-Lemonade

I always miss my room when I'm away at school. Don't get me wrong, I love my apartment and my roommates, but there is something about home that has a certain comfort that my apartment just doesn't provide. It feels good to be with my family for the Easter weekend and I'm hoping I can get some shopping out of my parents while I'm here too. Yes, I know ulterior motives for personal gain aren't too honorable, but why not do it for the name of fashion?


ange tombé said...

lol, true. when i go shopping with my Mom, she usually gets me a lil sumthin :)

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